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What Will Change The World Next… Google Glass Apps

  • Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2013


I previously taught a course at Stanford for Stanford Splash called “Internet 2015“. I’m all about transhumanism and what technology is advancing humanity next. I often get emails like this and decided to put it in a blog post:

Hey Joey! Obviously I admire your work and wanted to know if I could do a quick Q/A with you. We’ve obviously been through the social networking explosion. Now that these things have become every day, what’s the next big thing or movement of practical tech? Thanks so much for your time. – Christian

Below are some design mocks about technology ready for consumer market by end of this year. I am very excited these once futuristic concept fantasies turning into a reality.

Google Glass & AR Glasses

glass10 copy

First Iteration with 5 Different Colors


Wearing Google Glass out and about in September 2012 in New York City with Mike LeBeau, Google Senior Software Developer on Google Glass

I instantly knew this is the next inflection point (like mobile) in technology, because after wearing them for about 15 minutes and taking them off I instantly felt like something was missing. The same feeling people now experience if you take away their cell phones, but more even more jarring. It became apparent how even more humans will become dependent to these devices in their everyday life to attain information and direct decision making.

Glass App Examples

Attain Useful Information:

Screen shot 2013-03-09 at 6.01.30 PM



Scheduling, Travel Info, Personal Assistance, etc.

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Location Meta Data


Weather (Concept Mock By Me)


GPS Points of Interest (Concept Mock By Me)

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Camera, Take a Photo

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Video Recording & 24/7 Life Streaming (Look directly into their eyes, aka Being John Malkovich)

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Walk outside or into a bar and instantly see everyone’s Names, Title, Common Interests, Common Friends, Profile Info, etc. (Concept Mock By Me)


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Walking (Nearest place to buy carrots)

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Driving Concept by Pim Spiekermann (see video)

These are just a few examples of very useful applications and just scratching the surface of the incredible things yet to come. I believe the Google Glass is the Model T of Augmented Reality / Peripheral Glasses, with many more soon to follow.

The key is to have the design completely out of the way – to only show information when needed and don’t show when it is not needed to avoid distraction. What are some of your favorite ideas for Glass applications? I would love to hear them in the comments below.

Photo Credits thanks to Google, read more:

  • 1
  1. Morgan Missen

    Can’t wait for the driving navigating one, so much better than looking down at phone when you can see the path above the street!!

    Mar 11th, 2013 from San Francisco, California